
The Teaching Academy provides a variety of services for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.  CTEI staff members can meet with you to discuss digital course enhancements and to learn about cutting edge educational innovations.

To request a consultation with a CTEI staff member or to get more information on our services, please email [email protected]

Homewood Courses: Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation

CTEI staff members are available to offer pedagogical and technology consulting to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows enrolled in the Teaching Academy Certificate of Completion Program or TAR@Hopkins Fellowship programs.  If you are interested in exploring new instructional technologies or teaching strategies into your courses, CTEI staff can help you:

  • Clarify the learning goals of your course and link them to measurable student performance
  • Evaluate various instructional technologies and teaching strategies that will help achieve those learning goals
  • Design learning activities and assessments
  • Evaluate the impact of the instructional technologies and teaching strategies on your course

Blackboard Training and Support

Several resources are in place to support the course management system, Blackboard. Whether you are considering Blackboard for the first time or an experienced user curious about trying out new features, we are sure you will find the support you need.

Multimedia Lab Facilities and Classroom Video Recordings

The CTEI also provides access to, and training on, faculty multimedia lab facilities.  The lab enables you to scan slides and other images, create audio and video files, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and more.  CTEI staff are available for assistance and one-on-one training upon request. 

We can also arrange to have a video recording done of your teaching either for your own feedback or for your teaching portfolio.

To ensure sufficient technical support, you must reserve equipment ahead of time.  Visit the equipment reservations page to see the equipment in the CTEI facility and make a reservation.