Faculty Exchanges


In response to faculty requests, the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation has established the Faculty Exchanges program. The Faculty Exchanges program aims to create a collaborative teaching environment where fellow instructors can introduce and demonstrate new teaching methods to their peers through informal observations.

Faculty and graduate students may observe the teaching methods of fellow faculty who volunteered to participate in the program. Participants – host and observer - will receive a gift card to a campus coffee shop so they can debrief in a relaxed environment after the classroom visit.

This program is intended to serve the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering.

Read more about the program in the JHU Hub article, "Teachers learning from each other." 


Below are steps to guide you through the Faculty Exchanges process.

Step 1. Find an instructor to observe: Below is a list of faculty who volunteer to invite others to observe their teaching methods. Please use the filter options to identify an instructor by discipline or teaching method.

Step 2. Email CTEI to request an observation: Send an email to [email protected] to request an observation with your preferred instructor. CTEI staff will make an introduction so you may schedule a convenient time to observe their classroom.

Step 3. Discuss the experience over coffee or tea!  CTEI will provide you and your host with a coupon redeemable at the BLC’s Daily Grind. If possible, we hope that you use it to find a time after class to debrief and discuss the teaching methods observed, although meeting is not required.  You still get to keep the coupon!


Interested in having your teaching methods observed?

CTEI is always looking for faculty members who exemplify evidence-based teaching practices and innovative methods! If you are interested in being a part of the program and would like to volunteer as a host, please email [email protected]. This program is open to Homewood faculty only. 



Email [email protected] with subject Faculty Exchanges.

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  • Alison Papadakis

    Psychological and Brain Sciences

    Teaching Methods:
    Case Studies, Clickers, Discussion-based class, Peer Instruction

    I use videos in my classes to illustrate concepts. There is a bit of a science and art to integrating videos - sometimes I use them as cases, sometimes I use everyday examples (e.g., tv shows) to illustrate concepts (e.g., modeling behavior). I also use them to start conversations about the examples.

  • Anne-Elizabeth Brodsky

    Expository Writing

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Discussion-based class, Peer Instruction

    In Expository Writing courses, students learn and practice the skills of critical reading and academic writing. All the students in my course, Introduction to Expository Writing, are freshmen. 

  • Avanti Athreya

    Applied Mathematics and Statistics

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Case Studies, Flipped Classroom, Team-based Learning, Video Production

    Clickers are used in lecture, students watch videos on their own time, there are some case studies included in the homework, and in twice-weekly discussion sections, students actively solve problems in small groups.

  • Bob Leheny

    Physics and Astronomy

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Clickers, Flipped Classroom, Peer Instruction, Team-based Learning

    Employing studio-style teaching methods to large class setting in introductory physics.

  • Christov Roberson


    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Clickers, Team-based Learning, Video Production

    I teach a large introductory biology class (>200 students) for both majors and non-majors and try to incorporate pre-class preparation using videos as well as in-class problem solving.

  • Earle Havens

    Alexander Grass Humanities Institute and Special Collections, Sheridan Libraries

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning

    Active learning from rare books and manuscript/primary sources; Digital humanities in the classroom; Applied research methods with primary sources; On-line instruction in humanities

    I teach undergraduates and graduate students in a range of historical subjects in the humanities directly from rare book and manuscript materials (i.e., primary sources), drawing on the deep collections of the Sheridan Libraries (ancient to modern). I also develop digital humanities research resources, and engage students in evaluating the historical materials they present, while also thinking critically about how those materials have been presented and interpreted within digital research environments.

  • Eileen Haase

    Biomedical Engineering

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Clickers, Team-based Learning

    Team based learning takes place on specific dates during the semester. Clickers are used almost every day. Active learning in Freshmen Modeling and Design takes place on Thursdays. Different projects through the semester.

  • Elizabeth Logsdon

    Biomedical Engineering

    Teaching Methods:
    Team-based Learning

    This is a design team course with team leader structure offered in the BME Design Studio.

  • Emily Fisher


    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Clickers, Discussion-based class, Effective Lecture Strategies

    In my fall Microbiology class with 40-50 students, I try to do something active each day. This might be a class discussion of a primary article, short presentations by student groups that are relevant to the daily topic, or other activities. In spring in the Cell Biology course (~300 students), I partner with Dr. Tifft to do a more hybrid/flipped classroom class with lots of clicker questions.

  • Illysa Izenberg

    Center for Leadership Education

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Case Studies, Discussion-based class, Experiential Learning, Team-based Learning

    I use these tools in different class periods, one day may be a case, another day may be a discussion or activity. I tell students what to expect each class so that they are not surprised. In the fall, all my courses are for engineers. In the spring, I have one course for engineers, one for WSE masters students, and two others for all undergrads. Courses generally have 17-20 students.

  • Katie Tifft


    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Clickers, Effective Lecture Strategies
  • Michael Falk

    Materials Science and Engineering

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Flipped Classroom, Team Spot

    Techniques used depend on the class and semester.

  • Rebcca E. Kelly

    Environmental Science and Studies

    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning, Case Studies, Discussion-based class, Flipped Classroom

    I minimize lecture by flipping the classroom and spending most of class time actively engaged in discussion, case studies, group projects, and other activities that promote active engagement with the material and develop higher-level thinking skills, both in large and small classes.

  • Richard Shingles


    Teaching Methods:
    Authentic Assignments, Clickers, Discussion-based class
  • Tyrel McQueen


    Teaching Methods:
    Active Learning