

The Schools of Arts & Sciences and Engineering participate in a JHU contract for services from Turnitin. Turnitin is one tool that may help detect unoriginal work by students. Turnitin can also help students by encouraging proper citation.

Canvas Integration simplifies the entire process of using Turnitin. Requesting an instructor account is no longer necessary, students no longer have to know class codes or enrollment passwords, and assignment grades don’t have to be imported or exported. Assignments can be created and graded within your Canvas course and then viewed in Speedgrader. Our type of integration is called Canvas Plagiarism Framework.

Turnitin maintains an updated library of guides on using Turnitin with Canvas:

Begin by creating an assignment in Canvas that is enabled for Turnitin

Edit the assignment if needed

View the Similarity Report in SpeedGrader

Learn about copying a Canvas course with Turnitin assignments

Visit the FAQ for important information, especially about dates


Training is available from the CTEI for KSAS and WSE faculty - contact [email protected].