Education Research & Program Evaluation

QR code to consultation intake formWhether you have a quick question that's related to education research and program evaluation or you need to collaborate on a research grant with an education component, we're here to serve you!

Scan QR code to get started


Recent Projects

Some projects we have collaborated with include:

  • AI as TA
    [Department of Computer Science]
  • AI-Driven Learning: Investigating GPT's Impact on College Student Learning
    [Departments of Sociology; Computer Science; Applied Physics Lab; Academic Support, PILOT Program]
  • Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology, and Biophysics PhD Program
    [CMDBB Program; Department of Biology]
  • Creating pathways for a diversity of perspectives to solve global change problems in grasslands
    [Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences]
  • First-Year Seminar (FYS) Assessment
    [First-Year Seminar]
  • FLI Admission Project
    [FLI Initiatives, Center for Student Success]
  • Gateway Math Supports Programs
    [Department of Mathematics]
  • Imaging Science as a Gateway to Broadening Participation in STEM Fields
    [Integrated Imaging Center]
  • NIH Award # R25DC020698: STEMM opportunities for college students with Hearing loss to Engage in Auditory Research (STEMM-HEAR)
    [Department of Biomedical Engineering] 
  • NSF IUSE, DUE Award # 2021013: Data Science Education Through a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)
    [Carnegie Institution of Science; Clovis Community College]
  • NSF DMR Award # 2104764: Lattice Distortion in Concentrated Metallic Alloys [Validation of Structure of Material Concept Inventory] 
    [Department of Materials Science & Engineering]
  • NSF CAREER: Deconvolving organic substrates as the critical link between changes in organic matter and global biogeochemical sulfur, carbon, and oxygen cycling
    [Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences]
  • NSF CAREER DMR # 2046063: Geometries of Topological Defects in 3D Nematics, from Equilibrium Structure to Active Dynamics
    [Department of Physics & Astronomy]
  • NSF CAREER GEOPAths Award # 2144836: Integrating research and education to evaluate Neoproterozoic-Cambrian tectonism and sedimentary basins in western Laurentia [Geosciences Camp] 
    [Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences] 
  • NSF Global Center Award # 2330450: Electric Power Innovation for a Carbon-free Society (EPICS) 
    2023-2028, $5 MILLION
    [Department of Environmental Health & Engineering; Department of Civil & Systems Engineering; Department of Electrical & Computing Engineering; Ralph O'Connor Sustainable Energy Institute; Imperial College London; University of Melbourne; Georgia Tech; UC Davis; Resources for the Future; University of Strathclyde; University of Edinburgh; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO); Newcastle University; Monash University; Global Power System Transformation Consortium (G-PST); Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG); Future Power Markets Forum (FPMF)]
  • Sense of Belonging in the Major
    [Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (ChemBE)]
  • Utilizing the Procreate App to Develop Animations to Enhance Student Learning on Challenging Introductory Chemistry Topics (JHU 2022 Instructional Enhancement Grant Program awardee)
    [Department of Chemistry]


Hello from Melo!

Hi, I look forward to learning more about you, your emerging ideas, and how we can enhance or/and execute them! I'm an enthusiastic visionary who values servant leadership (I'm even certified as a Scrum Master). I'm also a diversity, equity, & inclusion champion.

Let's connect & innovate how we serve students and even colleagues! 

~ Melo-Jean Yap, Ph.D

   CTEI's Senior Education Research Consultant

Our work timelines

two lightbulbs merging If you have a quick question, we can help within a few days.
If you are working on a deadline for a medium-sized project, give us at least a two-weeks notice.
If you are planning on submitting a grant (e.g., NSF, etc.), please approach us at least a month before the submission deadline

How to get started

Please fill out this brief questionnaire so that we can efficiently help you. The more information you share, the more we can customize a plan to help and guide you. Whether you're in the stage of brainstorming, fine-tuning research design, implementing, analyzing, or merely struggling, we would love to know all about it.

If you have a question about an already existing and established project with us, then you do not need to fill out this form. However, if you have an inquiry about a new (potential) project, then please fill out this form. 

Please expect 2-3 business days to hear back from us.

Are you ready to chat with us? Fill out this consultation intake form:

QR code to consultation intake form

Thanks for filling out this form. We value your time and creativity! We look forward to innovating with you. 


For urgent timelines, please still fill out this form and also email Mike Reese at [email protected] 


We also offer engaging, hands-on workshops for any faculty, staff, postdoc, or graduate student who is interested in learning about doing education research. The learning outcomes for the "Introduction to Education Research" (IER) workshop are as follows:

  • Describe research approaches in education.
  • Summarize best practices in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research.
  • Reflect on one's identities and background, and how they inform one's researcher positionality.
  • Discuss ethical and inclusive strategies for engaging with diverse stakeholders.
  • Perform hands-on activities for designing, collecting, and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Develop a working purpose statement for research study of interest.

More information about the IER workshop can be found on this page (click here).


Education Journal Club

We also host an education journal club focused on teaching and learning topics in higher education. It encompasses all disciplines, so everyone from all fields are are to join this hybrid event! We highly encourage participants (faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students) to select the articles and lead the discussions!

We serve ideas along with tea and light refreshments! Come for the community and conversation!

For more information on the CTEI Ed Journal Club, check out its webpage (click here).