Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Training for Instructors
A workshop to give instructors tools to ensue the success of neurodiverse students.
A listing of upcoming events from CTEI.
Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Training for Instructors
A workshop to give instructors tools to ensue the success of neurodiverse students.
Introduction to Education Research Workshop
Join us as you jump into your education research journey!
Teaching Institute Virtual Training
The Johns Hopkins Teaching Academy offers a multi-day teaching institute to doctoral students and post-docs to advance the development of university-level educators by enhancing classroom teaching skills.
Teaching Institute In-Person Training
The Johns Hopkins Teaching Academy offers a multi-day teaching institute to doctoral students and post-docs to advance the development of university-level educators by enhancing classroom teaching skills.
Teaching at Different Types of Universities: A Panel Discussion Featuring Alumni
This event is designed to help graduate students and postdocs explore different faculty roles and institutional structures as they consider future careers in academia.
Provost’s DELTA Teaching Forum
A day of presentations, demonstrations, and networking opportunities devoted to the exploration of teaching innovation at Johns Hopkins University including the work of DELTA grant recipients.
Best Practices in University Teaching
An in-person BPUT is hosted annually in-person in January on the Homewood Campus and virtually in the summer.
Cultivating Creativity in your Course Design and Students Learning Experiences
Becoming Your Own Academic Career Design Architect, Part 1: Identifying Your Strengths
In Part 1 of the programing, Identifying Your Strengths, participants will use results from the Clifton Strengths Assessment to embark on a transformative journey, cultivating their innate talents into intentional strengths.